Moving again

Hey folks and friends.  I'm lucky enough to get a lil' taste of summer and (hopefully) fall in the Great North Woods this month.  Current plans: swim in lakes, record an EP about my summer drive up the Mississippi River, drink plenty of Bell's 2H, and play these shows...

Posted on September 2, 2015 .

Wrapping up the Hungry Heartland Tour

A hearty thank you to family, friends, and former strangers who gave me shelter as I hawked Hungry Heartland across the Midwest and Northeast last month.  My shows in Montpelier, Portland, Cambridge, and New York City were among the best I have played on my own.  I sha'n't be gone long!

Here is a glimpse of what went down...

Posted on June 20, 2015 .

Hungry Heartland is now available!

My new album Hungry Heartland is now purchasable right here on my website.  It is also now available on iTunesAmazon. and Spotify. Here are two samples...

Thank you Ben Cosgrove for composing a haunting and beautiful string arrangement for "Emily."  Thank you Jenn Fagre for performing all of it!

About HH: For many years, I've been accruing songs that couldn't necessarily move a bar full of people to dance but that I always thought were "pretty good." By some coincidence or not, these quieter and under-performed songs were written largely in and about the lower upper Midwest...even though I spent about 50% of my nights in Massachusetts during the time they came into my life. I've finally recorded this set, and am pleasantly surprised by how cohesive the thing seems to be. I hope you like the songs.

Posted on April 14, 2015 .

Waking up...

I'm emerging from my winter cave and some live situations are on the horizon once again.  The first one is this Thursday night at Gulu-Gulu Café in Salem, MA at 9PM.  The rest are listed on my shows page.  I hope to see you out and around!

Posted on March 3, 2015 .